Richland Co., Ohio


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Norris Trouble

source:   Ohio Liberal, 10 July 1878

Wm. Norris, Jr., a married son of Wm. Norris, Sr., a wealthy farmer residing on Possum Run, from reports it appears has been too intimate with one Alice Berry, daughter of Rev. Peter Berry, a near neighbor, and from what we learn is related to the Berry's by marriage.  Norris' wife being sick last September Miss Berry was employed as a domestic.  While thus employed Norris seduced her and then threatened her life if she exposed him.  Mr. Berry came to the city one day last week and had a warrant issued for Norris' arrest, but when the officers arrived there to make the arrest, they found that Norris had left a few hours previous for a cooler climate.  Norris a few years ago killed his brother by striking him on the head with a billet of wood, but escaped punishment of the crime through the disagreement of doctors in regard to the real cause of his death.  He will be caught, and then we hope justice will be meted out to this desperado.

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Thursday, February 02, 2012